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Про Подружній курс

Що ж це за служіння таке “Подружній курс”?
Про що Подружній курс?

Подружній курс був розроблений у 1996 році Нікі та Сілою Лі для пар, які шукають практичної підтримки для зміцнення своїх стосунків. Курс оснащує пари інструментами та методами, які допомагають підтримувати іскру та зберігати зв’язок. На курсі немає групової роботи, а спілкування кожної пари є повністю приватним. Протягом семи занять курс допоможе вам:

  • Розуміти потреби одне одного;
  • Спілкуватися більш ефективно;
  • Стати ближчими, навчившись вирішувати конфлікти;
  • Відновитися після того, як ви могли завдати одне одному болю;
  • Усвідомити, як ваше виховання впливає на ваші стосунки;
  • Покращити стосунки з батьками та родичами;
  • Розвинути більшу сексуальну близькість;
  • Відкрити для себе “мову кохання” одне одного та багато іншого….
Про що курс Підготовки до шлюбу?

Курс Підготовки до шлюбу був розроблений у 1985 році Нікі та Сілою Лі, щоб допомогти парам інвестувати у свої стосунки для побудови міцного шлюбу. Він призначений для пар, які вже заручені, а також для тих, хто тільки планує одружитися. На курсі немає групової роботи, а спілкування кожної пари є повністю приватним. Протягом п’яти занять курс допоможе вам:

  • Визнати важливість зобов’язань;
  • Зрозуміти та оцінити ваші відмінності;
  • Навчитися мистецтва спілкування;
  • Вирішувати конфлікти;
  • Проводити час разом;
  • Визнати вплив свого сімейного досвіду;
  • Розвивати гарні сексуальні стосунки;
  • Поговорити про свої цілі, цінності, мрії та багато іншого…

Як проводити Подружній курс?

Хто може проводити Подружній курс?
Is The Marriage Course easy to run?
Why should I run The Marriage Course?

The Marriage Course and The Pre-Marriage Course act as a bridge between the church and the local community by recognising the need to go beyond the social, as well as physical, walls of the church to help couples with their relationships. In a world of increasing complexity, people more than ever need a tool to help with their relationships. The Marriage Course is designed to refresh, strengthen and, in some cases, transform relationships. The course equips couples with tools and techniques to keep the spark alive and stay connected. For couples who are engaged or wanting to explore marriage, The Pre-Marriage Course provides practical guidance on how to build strong, deep foundations that will last a lifetime. As marriages become healthier and stronger, so too does family life and this has the potential to transform entire communities.

How do I get started running The Marriage Course?

To access and download all the materials to help run your course, please register your course on our Marriage Course Builder. There are a few resources you need to run The Marriage Course:

  • The Marriage Course episodes – available to download online
  • Two Guest Journals per couple
  • The Marriage Course Leaders’ Guide
  • And we recommend you watch our training videos

How to Run The Pre-Marriage Course

Who can run The Pre-Marriage Course?
Is The Pre-Marriage Course easy to run?
How do I get started with running The Pre-Marriage Course?

To access and download all the materials to help run your course, please register your course at Marriage Course Builder. There are only a few resources you need to run The Pre-Marriage Course:

The Pre-Marriage Course episodes – available as to download online

  • Two Guest Journals per couple
  • The Pre-Marriage Course Leaders’ Guide
  • Couple Survey (optional)
  • Support Couples’ training videos (if using the Couple Survey)

How to Access Resources

What’s a Guest Journal?
What is the Couple Survey?

The Couple Survey is an optional series of questions to be completed by guests on The Pre-Marriage Course before the course begins. The purpose of the Couple Survey is to:

  • Affirm areas of strength
  • Highlight those issues the couple needs to discuss
  • Help them make sure they are ready for marriage
  • Give a realistic view of what makes a marriage work

Couples do not receive the results of their Couple Survey. Instead following the course they have a discussion with a designated Support Couple. The Couple Survey report guides the conversation, affirming areas of strength in the couple’s relationship and highlighting issues for discussion.

I’m a Pre-Marriage Course Leader – how do I use the Couple Survey?
I’m a Pre-Marriage guest – how do I use the Couple Survey?
What’s a support couple?

Each couple on The Pre-Marriage Course is allocated a support couple. The requirements for support couples are simply that they are married; that they have completed The Marriage Course; that they are happy to host a couple from The Pre-Marriage Course, usually in their home, over an evening and that they have been approved by someone with pastoral oversight. During the evening the Support Couple guides the guests in conversation using the findings of the Couple Survey, which the guests would have completed before the start of the course.

The role of the support couple is to affirm areas of strength and highlight issues the couple needs to discuss. The Couple Survey report is very easy to use, with suggested follow-up questions for the Support Couple to ask the guest couple to facilitate the discussion. Once you register your course, you’ll be able to access dedicated training videos for support couples which fully explain their role. Head to Marriage Builder to get started.

Where can I access the training videos?

Trying The Marriage Course and The Pre-Marriage Course

How do I find a course near me?
We’re not married but live together, which course should we attend?
What are The Marriage Course session topics?

There are seven sessions of The Marriage Course, looking at the following topics:

  • Strengthening Connection
  • The Art of Communication
  • Resolving Conflict
  • The Power of Forgiveness
  • The Impact of Family
  • Good Sex
  • Love in Action
What are The Pre-Marriage Course session topics?

There are five sessions to The Pre-Marriage Course:

  • Communication
  • Conflict
  • Commitment
  • Connection
  • Adventure